This blog began in 2003 as Mrs. Rabbitt's Bookbag and continued as From the Library Director from 2005-2010. You can read my newspaper columns at FromtheLibraryColumn published Thursdays in the Norwood Transcript and Bulletin.

Monday, June 11, 2007

Tired of Amazon for your reading information?

Try Booklist, a 100-year-old journal published by the American Library Association. Booklist has also become a valuable tool that helps librarians make reading recommendations. The best part is that >Booklist Online is both a free Web site with a subscription database. The free site offers a generous selection of Booklist content—plus some Web-only features—and is updated daily or weekly, depending on the portion of the site. (The subscription database contains archived reviews.) The site has loads of lists, reviews and other great stuff for readers and librarians. While you can't read the past reviews without a subscription, you can browse the award lists and read articles and more.