This blog began in 2003 as Mrs. Rabbitt's Bookbag and continued as From the Library Director from 2005-2010. You can read my newspaper columns at FromtheLibraryColumn published Thursdays in the Norwood Transcript and Bulletin.

Friday, May 29, 2009

A Cooler e-Reader?

Soon there will be many options to the Kindle and Sony e-Reader. The Cool-eR is one of them. New York Times columnist, David Pogue, "wonders if a product with the word 'cool' in its name can be cool." He advices to wait for a new generation of the e-reader in "Don't Quit That Kindle Just Yet".

Watch the New York Times video.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

New York Times Inveterate Reader

"The reading device of the future will surely be backlighted, unlike the Kindle, so you can read in the dark. It will have different typefaces, and will reproduce photographs and illustrations in something better than a murky gray wash. The read-aloud voice will learn how to pronounce “Barack Obama” and will have mastered a tone more expressive than that of the tiresome know-it-all who talks to you from inside your car’s G.P.S.

In the future airlines will also conclude that you don’t have to turn off a reading device during takeoff and landing. On the way back from South Carolina I had to dash into an airport bookshop for a backup paperback, which sort of defeats the whole point.
But if the Kindle isn’t the future, exactly, it’s a precursor."
Read the Inveterate Reader Meets Kindle - Charles McGrath in the New York Times. Thanks, Rob, for the link!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Travel Adventures With April

I couldn’t have planned a trip to Paris without going to the library first. Since I work there, admittedly all it took was a detour to the 914s on the Morrill Memorial Library’s second floor and I was good to go. I’m a travel book junkie. For me, half the fun of going anywhere is to read about it first, then point to the passage in the guidebook and say (to myself), “I’ve been there,” or “I did that,” even if it wasn’t all that great.

I’ve never set foot in Seattle or Siena but I’ve been to the City of Light three times. Three of my four daughters have spent at least a semester there, and three times I’ve crammed my carry-on with travel guides from Fodor, Frommer, and Rick Steves.

Read the entire article by April Cushing, Adult Services Library at the Morrill Memorial Librarian, in the Daily News Transcript.

I'll Go If You Go

I recently discovered IGoUGo. It's a great travel site as it opens many windows for you to do your travel 'window' shopping. It's easy to remember, as well.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Hollywood Librarian

Check out the Hollywood Librarian for an interesting view into the librarian's role in movies and in real life.

Watch the trailer here or request the full-length documentary from your library.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Save a Tree

PrintFriendly has a great conversion website.  Simply enter the URL and leave all the sidebars, frames and more out of your printed copy. It works best with articles, columns, etc. as opposed to homepages.  Try it on the Daily News Transcript articles within my blog.  I tried it on and a few other places.  If it works, that's great.  You can even make a PDF - one of the great benefits of this site.

Kindle 9XXXD

And here's another funny on the Kindle.

Monday, May 18, 2009

It's Historical

It is our nature as humans to identify with the brick and mortar, the clapboard and granite of our lives. Many of us leave memories behind in the houses we leave as we move on in life. Yet, we expect that our places of worship, education, recreation, and culture will be there when we return to them. This must be especially so in Norwood, a town of deep familial and community roots.

Read the entire article in the Daily News Transcript.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Frontline: The Madoff Affair

Monday, May 11, 2009

Reading With the Lunch Crowd

Working with children is always one of the best jobs around and my years as youth services librarian in the Peterborough, N.H., community left me with some of the very best memories. My “customers” there were the area’s children between the ages of a few days to 18 years. I’ll never forget the delight and pride in the eyes of singing toddlers, reading kindergartners, after-school visitors, and graduating seniors.

A Chinese philosopher has been credited with saying, “Choose a job you love and you will never have to work a day in your life.”
Confucius certainly got that right and librarians are here to prove it.
Read the entire article in the Daily News Transcript.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

White House Correspondents' Dinner May 2009

Most of didn't get to attend but we can watch on C-SPAN.
You can watch more years of dinners at C-SPAN.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

The Essential Internet

The percentage of Americans who use the Internet has reached 80 percent.
40 percent of those age 66 and older go online.
40 percent of those age 66 and older go online.

Read the full highlights report from the USC Annenburg School For Communication.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Global Distress

"My wanderings having ceased, my children having grown, the Sunday Globe is more than just an informing, leisurely weekend read; it is a sign of my permanence in the area. It’s a time I relish – those easy, thoughtful morning hours I spend decorating the carpet with newsprint and ads. I have lovingly made reading the Globe’s Ideas section and the Globe Magazine my ritual on the weekends."
Read the entire From the Library column in the Daily News Transcript and Norwood Bulletin.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

A Spoonful

Check out the sugar content in your favorite foods on SugarStacks.
Image from