This blog began in 2003 as Mrs. Rabbitt's Bookbag and continued as From the Library Director from 2005-2010. You can read my newspaper columns at FromtheLibraryColumn published Thursdays in the Norwood Transcript and Bulletin.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Competing Fairly

The Federal Trade Commission just launched a website for kids. It's a pretty interesting site with games that teach about supply and demand, placement marketing, brand crossover and other marketing techniques in a kid-friendly, 'Valley Girl'-accented, Mall setting - either in the West Terrace or the Food Court.
"The Federal Trade Commission is the nation's consumer protection agency and one of the government agencies responsible for keeping competition among businesses strong. Its job is to make sure companies compete fairly and don't mislead or trick people about their products and services. Three bureaus do the work of the FTC: Competition, Consumer Protection, and Economics. Several other offices help implement the mission of the bureaus."  quoted from the website.