I urge you to take this small action to change the world today.
I added Catalog Choice dot org to my blog this week on Tuesday, April 8th. I want to update my own progress:
My husband, Gerry, and I are spending a sleepy Saturday night tearing off the back covers of all the numerous catalogs we receive (sometimes in four different names) to this address. It just sickens us to see them in the mail each day, falling out of the mailbox, slipping off the pile on the kitchen counter and stacked in the pile to take to the recycling center. I URGE you to take this time and go to Catalog Choice dot org and set up your account - you can set up a name at your address, another name at your address, a name at another address. It's really simple to add it all to your account. We can simply NOT ignore this important step in helping the environment. (Next? the flyers in the newspapers.)
Tear off the back cover and save it to a pile. Once a month or so you can go to Catalog Choice dot organd choose the name the catalog is addressed to, the address (if you have more than one) and the customer number if it is available and apparent on the mailing label. It really is so simple to go green.
Choose "I want to help the environment" as your choice. However, if one person at the address actually LIKES getting the catalog (as in the case of several we receive) choose the option: "Duplicate mailings to this address." We like Levenger, Solutions among a very few others.) If you HATE the catalog, well say so and choose"I have no interest in this catalog." Send the message that it is just too much.
This is a VERY important first step for both the environment and for advocating this consumer initiative movement and I can't tell you how good it felt to take ourselves off of all those lists. We plan to do this once per month and really cut down on the mail in our small mailbox at the curb.
By the way, we were unlucky with mailings from colleges, associations and professional publishers. Once again, thanks to library trustee, Holly Collins, for this great tip.