I've been a member of Freecycle.org in several areas since the turn of the century. In 2003 I got rid of a barely-used karioke machine that my teenaged daughter HAD to have back in the 90's. (She was our Madonna-in-the-making at the time but she leads a very respectable corporate life in New York City today wearing button-down white shirts and practical heels.) Anyway, the mother who picked up that little bit of 'freecycling' (the karioke machine) was absolutely thrilled with the pricetag. If you haven't yet discovered Freecyle, find a convenient local group through the website. There are 2685 members of the Marlboro/Sudbury group. If you sign up for the digest-form, you'll receive one email per day ... but you might lose out if you are looking for something. However, if you hope to rid yourself of stuff (as most of us are) you'll receive reply emails as quickly as they are sent.