Sunday, February 3, 2008
Reading: Making You Dumb, Making You Smart
One very intiguing site I stumbled upon in this week's Boston Globe Brainiac is Books That Make You Dumb (and sister site, Music That Makes You Dumb)and spent a very silly amount of time searching, cross-searching and chuckling to myself. The premise is this: If you register on Facebook and affiliate with the college you attended and admit to the books you read, we can then correlate something. The author of the site, a pretty creative guy with time on his hands, put this together with the average SAT requirements for your college. The correlations? Does reading certain books make you dumb? or smart? Not exactly, but visit the site - it makes for some interesting browsing and some time wasting, for sure, by those of us intrigued by these things, although I know for a fact that we are not ALL librarians.