Want a way to while away* the time? Try Free Rice. It's fun and it's educational and it's ADDICTIVE! Besides it will improve your vocabulary and spelling.
"The rice is paid for by the advertisers whose names you see on the bottom of your vocabulary screen. This is regular advertising for these companies, but it is also something more. Through their advertising at FreeRice, these companies support both learning (free vocabulary for everyone) and reducing hunger (free rice for the hungry)." Thanks to Kate Haviland for the link.*And while we are at it, did you know there are forty synonyms for the expression 'while away the time"? Moby Thesaurus has words for "while away the time":
beguile the time, burn daylight, buy time, consume time, dabble,
diddle, doodle, drown care, footle, fribble, fritter away time,
have a ball, have fun, keep time, kill time, laugh it up,
live it up, look for time, loosen up, lose time, measure time,
occupy time, pass the time, pass time, piddle, potter, put in time,
putter, race against time, relax, spend time, summer, take time,
take up time, trifle, use time, waste time, weekend, winter,
work against time