This blog began in 2003 as Mrs. Rabbitt's Bookbag and continued as From the Library Director from 2005-2010. You can read my newspaper columns at FromtheLibraryColumn published Thursdays in the Norwood Transcript and Bulletin.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Break The Chain

Ever wonder if the email you've been forwarded has any credence? Want to check it out BEFORE you send it on to a colleague or a relative? Google one phrase and you'll undoubtedly be directed to HoaxBusters or You can also check these sites out directly. Another to try is Snopes. Save yourself any embarrassment and look at these sites first. promises this:
There are all sorts of junk e-mails floating around the Internet, but perhaps the most offensive is the junk we send each other: bogus virus warnings, urban legends, offers of easy cash, letters that promise to help sick kids... the list goes on. tries to educate the world that e-mail is an unreliable medium for sharing information.

Other great sites to check out urban legends and hoax emails are: and HoaxBusters. For computer virus hoaxes or myths, try