"All of a sudden I was seeing 1,000 and 1,001 books on many subjects everywhere I went! In our summer Beach Reads book review program Beth Goldman reviewed “1001 Foods You Must Taste Before You Die.” Not only was this a daunting task but at least half of the foods I had never heard of.
Then I discovered “1,000 Films to Change Your Life.” My life is kind of humdrum so I should watch a film every day in between reading my book, eating a new food, and preparing a new recipe.
But wait a minute, what is missing? “1,000 Recordings to Hear Before You Die.” How will I fit in listening to a recording? I guess I will never sleep." Margot Sullivan
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
1001 Ways to Spend Your Time
Friday, October 23, 2009
Thursday, October 22, 2009
A Year of Living ... Literally
Nina Sankovitch and Christopher Beha both read through the emotional paralysis of their separate griefs and found strength; Nina and Roger Martin battled their demons in books they had never read before and found enlightenment; she and A.J. Jacobs were able to put their lives on hold for a time to accomplish their finite goals.
Nina is near the end of the 365 books in the past year and she admitted in the BBC radio interview that there are many dust bunnies under her furniture and that she will attend to more of the daily chores in her life once her quest is done. Something tells me, though, that Nina Sankovitch’s dust bunnies will still be there, tomorrow and next year, while she travels the country on a book tour to promote her year of living … literally.
Read my entire article in the Norwood Bulletin and Transcript this week
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Times They Are A-Changin'
"It’s been our privilege to serve with many wonderful and dedicated staff members who have become not just co-workers, but friends and family throughout our years. They accepted, adjusted and adapted to the many policy, personnel and procedural changes, allowing the library to hum along without any interruptions.Read the entire article this week in the Norwood Bulletin and Transcript by librarians, Marie Lydon, Hope Anderson, and Tina Blood.
In all these 41 years of library history, our dedication to the Morrill Memorial Library and our devotion to each other have remained constant. We are: Hope Anderson, Children’s Librarian, Tina Blood, Literacy Volunteer Coordinator and Marie Lydon, Reference Librarian and we have served the library and the Town of Norwood for a total of 123 years."
Explore New Worlds: Read
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Another Spin on Food for Thought
" Though I missed the first three lectures, one on beekeeping, another showing a video on the struggles of the American family farm, and the third a lecture by Tracy Firth of “Plant a Row for the Hungry,” the series really seems to “hit the spot” for me on educating people in town on various topics related to food. Tuesday, Oct. 6’s, 7:30 p.m. series will feature “Save Your Fork, There’s Pie: A Celebration,” with Beth Goldman and Karol Bartlett." Debbie SpringarnRead Debbie Springarn's entire article in the Norwood Transcript and Record.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Saving Time With Ben
Read my entire article in the Norwood Transcript and Record this week."Did you know it was our Ben who also gave the world the idea for a daylight saving time as early as 1784? Ben Franklin was an American delegate in Paris and the Parisian sleeping habits made no sense to him. In his essay, “An Economical Project,” Franklin estimated that much money would be saved if the residents of Paris would just change their clocks to awaken early with the daylight.
Parisians, it seems, were notorious for late bedtimes, eating, reading, conversing, and living by candlelight. If those Paris dwellers would just reset their clocks, the sunlight would “awaken the sluggards effectually and make them open their eyes to see their true interests…All the difficulty will be in the first two or three days; after which the reformation will be as natural and easy as the present irregularity…Oblige a man to rise at four in the morning, and it is probable he will go willingly to bed at eight in the evening.”
Parisians were not amused. Something tells me, however, that our Ben was.