This blog began in 2003 as Mrs. Rabbitt's Bookbag and continued as From the Library Director from 2005-2010. You can read my newspaper columns at FromtheLibraryColumn published Thursdays in the Norwood Transcript and Bulletin.

Friday, October 31, 2008

HalloMovies has a great article on the scariest fifteen movies, among them The Shining, Nightmare on Elm Street, and the creepily funnyNight of the Living Dead. How long has taking a shower been terrifying? Since Gus Van Sant's Psycho, that's how long!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

An Hour To Vote

Executives from companies around the country are encouraging all employers to give one hour to vote in the VoteHour. Will you join?

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

The Naming Game

Want to get lost in names? This very cool website, Name Trends, is packed with statistical information, graphics and trends. Who knew that Charlotte was most popular in the 1930s and is on the upswing? This site can be a time stealer so watch out!

Friday, October 24, 2008

Fresh Daily

The Daily Grommet is in beta testing - and I hope it gets a following. Interesting products and some great commentary. I look forward to more.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Only in America

"Every four years, the world looks with bafflement at the United States as the country goes through its curious process of electing its President. Truth be told, the system is far from obvious, and remains misunderstood and controversial even within the U.S.A. A brief primer on how it all works."
Welt Online from Germany analyzes our election process in How the US Elects Its President. There's even a quiz or two.

5 min Life

Watch 5minLifeVideopedia for All About Recycling Computers

Periodic Intelligence

And where was this when I needed it? The Periodic Table of Elements in Pictures is authored and copyrighted by Keith Enevoldsen

Learn from MIT's OpenCourseWare - Free lecture notes, exams, and videos from MIT.
No registration required.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Hit the Road

The Art of Manliness blog has a great primer on How to Pack a Bag for Traveling. I'm off for the weekend!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Listen to Franklin Delano Roosevelt's Fireside Chats, broadcast 1933 through 1945, a collection from Old Time Radio.

Follow the Elections Year to Year

Say what you want about Wikipedia, anyone with interest in the presidential elections can certainly procrastinate the day away in encyclopedic heaven. Check out all the election maps by clicking through from 1789 through 2004.

Beyond the Book

The Library of Congress offers 84 interesting webcasts in their Books and Beyond Webcasts series. Most of them are about an hour long and you'll need RealPlayer to watch - download the free version. How the States Got Their Shapes, with author Mark Stein, highlights the book by the same title.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Five libraries and five museums will be awarded the 2008 National Medal for Museum and Library Service.  One of these awards has been won by the Lower East Side Tenement Museum in New York City. The Institute of Museum and Library Services is a major funder of the LSTA grants available to Massachusetts libraries.